With this type of loan you can fulfil your dream of buying a new car. Your advantage here as opposed to a financed purchase offered by the car dealer lies first of all in the more favourable conditions.
In addition, with a motor vehicle loan you can also buy a second-hand car. And last but not least, you will be seen as a cash payer, which will improve your negotiating position substantially with regard to discounts.
Your advantages:
Affordable: you will receive a TOP interest rate – the same for all customers – regardless of your creditworthiness
Fair: all you need is a copy of your purchase contract – you keep the motor vehicle registration certificate
Flexible: a loan increase for the next car is possible
Free of charge: no further costs are incurred
Fast: immediate preliminary check
Clever: buy your dream car as soon as the loan has been approved, but have the loan paid out only when the vehicle is actually ready for handover