Financing your property

If you plan to purchase or build a property, there are many things to consider:

  • Can I afford my dream property in the long term?
  • What ancillary costs are involved in connection with the purchase or construction, and how much should I plan for these costs?
  • What financial resources can I invest in the project and who can support me?
  • Can I receive subsidies or allowances for my project?
  • Are all costs for the property and related expenditures reliably and completely documented?
  • What bank can best finance my project, and how do I find the right one among over 400 institutions?
  • Are there different financing approaches if the property is for my own use or intended as a capital investment?
  • What are the interest rate risks entailed during the entire loan period and how can I protect myself against these risks?

We recommend that you discuss all these questions with a specialist on financing before deciding on the purchase of a property.

We look forward to assisting you with our experience. And the best is: this advice is completely free of charge, even if you do not buy a property or do not use our financing services in the end.

You can rely on us!


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